Welcome to the Yarning Circle!®
Publisher of innovative educational and communication programs
Our passion is giving children and adults the chance to have a true voice and be heard. The Yarning Circle® is a place where stories and knowledge can be shared in a caring environment that's relaxed and comfortable.
This is the Yarning Circle®'s range of authentic Australian educational materials:
A verbal activity needing no written material, and capturing the ethos of Aboriginal Yarning Circles. Empower the group you belong to by giving a voice to its individuals.
Activities designed to assist in strengthening the inner self by reflecting on the emotions and experiences of life's journey.
Strengthen and develop the inner self by reflecting on the Qualities, Talents, Abilities, Gifts and Skills (QTAGS) that we acquire throughout life's journey.
Read a little about who we are, where we came from, and where we're going. We'd like you to come too!

Copyright © 2024. The Yarning Circle®. All rights reserved.